Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tiger Face Painting in 4 Easy Steps!

It's craft time and to honor our time at the zoo, my mom is going to show us how to transform our mugs in to tigers in 4 easy steps! Ready?

Step 1: Start with a sponge blended with red, yellow and white paint. (As you can see below, it doesn't need to be perfect!)

Step 2: Add some black stripes with a paint brush. (Wild Eli could not hold still so take notice of the smudges.. doesn't need to perfect to have fun!)

Step 3: Lightly sponge or use your finger to make a light gray muzzle about the mouth.

Step 4: Paint the tips of the nose and lips black. Finish with some little black dots above upper lip. Now roar!!

What do you think? Not bad in less than 5 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I read your profile and subscribed to your feed. How do I vote for where you should go next?
    Looking forward to new posts.
    Mrs. Carpenter
    Technology Coach
    Paterson Elementary
